Vine Trademark and Content Display Policy
The Vine marks include, but are not limited to, the Vine name, logo, V logo and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any of Vine’s products.
Please read the full policy to be sure you’re using the Vine brand and trademarks correctly. If you’re still unsure, please contact trademarks at
Downloads for press and media

When using the Vine trademarks:
- Use only the official, unmodified files to represent our brand
- Allow for at least 150% buffer space around the Vine logo
The Vine marks should not be modified, altered or used in a confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Vine, or in a way that confuses Vine with another brand.
Naming applications, products, or domains
When creating a product, app, website, or other service that uses or interacts with Vine, use a unique name, logo and design that can’t be confused with the Vine brand. You should not apply for any trademarks or domains that include the Vine name or any other variations of Vine that could be confusingly similar.
Displaying Vine videos

When showing Vine videos on air, you must include the author’s name, the Vine logo, and the associated text. Here is the template for displaying Vines on Television.
When possible, display the author’s avatar, as well as the timestamp and geolocation data.
When displaying Vine videos on your website, use our official embed code which is available by clicking on the “embed” button below a post on
If displaying video stills as part of a screenshot as part of a publication, make sure the content is real, from a real account, and that you have permission from the content creator when necessary.
You must include the author’s name, the Vine logo, and the associated text.
When possible, display the author’s avatar, as well as the timestamp and geolocation data.
Other things to know about the Vine brand and trademarks
- The Vine marks should not be used on any merchandise or tangible goods.
- Please do not use the Vine logos in your avatar on any service.
By using the Vine marks you agree to follow this policy as well as our Terms of Service and all Vine rules and policies. Vine reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change the permission in this policy at any time at its sole discretion. For further information about use of the Vine name or trademarks, please contact trademarks at